TaLoeLoe moves

just another progress blog on getting in somewhat of a shape

dad progress 06/06/2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — taloeloe @ 1:56 pm

So my dad had his surgery on Monday. They removed about 70 cm of his large intestine. He didn’t need the ICU, nor was he kept for longer in the recovery room, so he was back in his own hospital room at around 4pm. He was sort of awake and muttered that he wanted a bacon sandwich. Instead, we offered him a glass of water :). Needless to say, when we talked to him about the sandwich, he didn’t remember it at all, so it was just the drugs and the grogginess making him say stuff.

Yesterday he had sort of a good day. Had some pudding and a dry cracker, after which it didn’t take long before his bowels showed that they were still working.

Thanks to an epidural feed of painmedication, he was pretty much not feeling anything. At 2am this morning (why this time???), they switched off the painmedication, with as a result that dad woke up at 4am in so much pain, he couldn’t endure it. Now my dad.. he’s a tough cookie, he won’t easily admit when he’s in such pain that it’s unbearable. When I spoke to him this morning, he was speaking in such a tiny voice, and he was obviously very uncomfortable. Fortunately, around 10am, the doctor came by, and agreed to turn the epidural feed back on. So he’s a bit more comfy now.

The next few days are a bit critical. If there’s a leak in the new spot where his intestines come together, it will start giving problems anytime between now and the weekend. This is not something the doctors can prevent, the only thing they can do is monitor closely, and act as soon as there appears to be some problem.

Lots of people have been praying for us, thank you for that, and please keep doing so, and keep your  candles burning. I’m convinced it all helps!


x Taloeloe


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